Monday, July 30, 2007

i've watch the ended!!!

Great American was hell of a show...from first to last....I've watch it an encore screening at SM last July 28 2007...damn that day was also our acquaintance day at U.I.C (bajada) where party was held...i have watch the pay-per-view but the party was ended after the show...damn! well its ok...i still have 2 years to join some school activities just like the acquiantance last Saturday...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My most valuable thing

My most valuable thing???hmmmm...Actually I have 4 of it...and those are my FAMILY, BARKADAZ, FORMER SCHOOL, and the WWE SHOWS (a wrestling show)...This my valuable things because I can't live without it...i mean I'm not this happy without those "VALUABLE THINGS"...First, i choose my family because they are the first group of people that I love (that simply it is but they are the most important persons)...then I choose my "barkadaz" because they mold me as a teenager they share their moments with me without thinking any problems...after my friends i choose my former school as my most valuable thing because that school gave me some happy moments that I will never forget (along with my friends)...and the last one is the WWE/ECW this is the show that made me crazy and obsessed about wrestling...I start watching it when I was 7 years old...the reason why I choose this because this is the only show that i can feel a pure excitement and EXTREME happiness that i never felt before!!!

Once again, this things gave me happiness and fulfillment...As I said I would rather be DEAD than to live without my valuable things!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

HERE WE GO AGAIN last i have my own blogspot...thanks for the support dude!!! YEAH!!! WE ROCK!!!!

Monday, July 23, 2007


Taking an examination in school is a really huge challenged...I was enrolled in 5 different schools and colleges...In the 4 schools that I studied was pretty challenging but not so difficult as you think, their exam is not that so hard to answer...But in my 17 years of studying...the only school that i was terrorize in times of examination was the "U.I.C"...MY GOD! I was freak out when I was looking in to my test papers especially in PHYSICS...DAMN!!! it so hard difficult!!! I just answered 12 items and the rest was empty and it I leave it blank..."It was a week of sacrifice", that was what i did during examination week..the proctors that we faced was a little bit of strict...dude i can't look into my classmates test paper....waaaaaaaaaaaaaa....

In this kind of experience was taught me a lot of lessons....a lesson that i will never forget...this MIDTERM I am expecting that I'll do the right thing....and I am also expecting that I will get a higher grade than my preliminary grades....


I name it because I can feel it.....waaaaaaaaaa.....No just kidding.....I don't have any idea why I name my BLOG in this way, or maybe I just post it because it wildly runs in to my mind....WHEW!!! But seriously, I am a boring guy having a boring life that is why i name it "I HAVE BORING BLOG SPOT"....

I never thought or expect that i will make my own blog spot...that's reason why i never think about my TITLE...but the fact is i want my title unique, i want to name it in MY WAY....this is my my version dude..

Who ever wants to make a comment about my "BLOG NAME" just post anything on it, don't mind my feelings...